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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  July 2, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> firefighters say a blaze at a san jose high school could be arson. details are coming up. >> reporter: your ticket to ride got more expensive if you use public transportation. i'm christie smith. i'll tell you how much it went up and have reaction from commuters. >> warm weather returns in time for the fourth of july. 80s inland, 70s bayside, 60s at the coast. everything you think of when it comes to independence day, hot dogs, hamburgers and hot weather. >> as a sigalert clears all of my activity i'm focusing on, east bay and south bay. we're not letting them drop. come back for your commute. >> we drop awe liyou a live sho. the fog has moved in it we can barely see the bridge. should let sunshine in according to christina loren on this monday, july 2nd, "today in the bay."
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good monday morning. thank you for joining us. it's 6:01. i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. expect to pay a little more if you take public transit. b.a.r.t. and caltrain are rolling out higher fares. christie smith is live with a look at some of the changes. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. we're talking with people on the way to work using b.a.r.t. and asking them about the fare increase and a lot of them saying they didn't know about it at all. but they don't seem too upset. for most public transportation in the bay area these increases are happening pretty much across the board, starting with b.a.r.t. where fares went up about with 5 cents for the average fare. this is the last in a ries, one told us that give at any alternative he will toss in the extra 5 cents and move on. >> not that big of a deal.
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still have to take b.a.r.t., cheaper than driving in and parking in the city. >> reporter: in san francisco, adult passes increase to $74 a month, muni only passes about $64, passes for youth, senior and disabled go up $1, on caltrain for paper tickets fairs up 25 cents one way, 50 cents for a day pass. you might not notice for clipper card user, the ticket is adjusted automatically. i wanted to mention golden gate transit buses and ferries also going up about 5%. reporting live, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> it has been an emotional courtroom drama with vigil lanlty justice and the catholic church on trial. closing arguments expected in the case after man charged with assaulting a priest he says abused him as a child. bob is live with more on what we can expect in court. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to
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you, jon. that emotional part of the trial taking place on friday when the defendant, will lynch, took the stand. it's our understanding that he could be the only witness the defense calls, there is a possibility they might call one more, that would be today. it's possible they could rest their case leaving us for closing arguments today. but on friday the defendant did take the stand. right off the bat will lynch admitted that yes, he did attack father lindner at his home in los gatos, that taking place over two years ago. then whan was at times emotional testimony lynch described in graphic detail how father jerry lindner sexually abused him and his brother on a camping trip when they were young boys. at times lynch broke down in tears having to pause. lynch says it was not his intent to beat up lindner when he went to the jesuit center. he wanted to compel the father to sign papers admitting to his
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alleged crimes. but when according to lynch the father leered at him the way he says he did when he molested him, he hit him more than once, asking the priest to take off his glasses before doing so. at one point lynch says both had each other by the neck. it ended when somebody walked in and lynch left. reporting live outside the hall of justice, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> this morning an investigation is under way into the death of a young man shot and killed at the foot of the oakland hills. the man was shot near the intersection of mountain boulevard and kuhnle avenue. he drove a short distance and died. his name has not been released. >> firefighters tell us a small fire in a south bay high school may have been intentionally set. investigators say an exterior door was set on fire. fortunately the damage is minor.
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nobody has been injured by those flames. >> a hillside in south san jose charred after a grass fire burned dangerously close to a lot of homes. the fire broke out sunday afternoon on communication hill off highway 87 near curtner drive. dozens of firefighters fought the flames from the ground while a helicopter helps from above. firefighters say winds were gusting up to 25 miles per hour. fueling the flames and it took about an hour to get everything under control. firefighters telling us the damage, well, it could have been a lot worse. >> it started at the top of the hill which made it less speedy for us. it wasn't moving as fast as if it was moving down to up so. that did help us with containing it. >> firefighters say a camp fire at a homeless encampment may have sparked this. no homes were damaged. >> the wild fires are taking a toll on homeowners.
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nearly 1,000 homes destroyed by fires in several western states. in new mexico, 240 homes have gone up in flames in the little bear fire. 66 homes were destroyed in idaho in a three-day stretch. and in utah, four separate fires have incinerated 52 homes. in colorado, nearly 350 homes were destroyed but this morning some good news as firefighters are finally gaining ground on that wild fire near colorado springs. the waldo canyon fire is 55% contained. more than 26 square miles have burned since it started eight days ago. >> a different disaster claiming 14 lives on the east coast. violent storms friday knocking out power to millions of people and temperatures expected to soar past the 100 degree mark. crews working to repair downed power lines. it could take a week to get the
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lights back on. >> this storm had all of the impact of a hurricane without the warning. >> the storm damage very extensive from indiana to new jersey. the hardest hit, west virginia, washington and maryland. >> feeling spoiled. i want to check the forecast. >> good morning. more of the same today. temperatures will be about 5 to 8 degrees warmer, but still not too hot because of the marine layer. this is a live look over san jose. a beautiful start to the day, it's crisp, temperatures in the 60s. here is san francisco and a beautiful look here. same deal, the marine layer. it's going to burn off quickly. by about 10:00 a.m. inhand. that's where we'll see the clearing first. 56 in san mateo. it's a big week weatherwise because a lot of people are looking forward to that fireworks display on the fourth
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of july and weather comes into play. will that fog obstruct your view? some cities i believe that will be the case. we'll take a closer look. the day in detail, 74 at noon inland, up to 80 at 4:00. 65 degrees at the coast. when it comes to the fourth of july we have a local man, joey chestnut, taking it to the hot dogs. we have full support but that's the big event. i've got his back. let's check your drive. >> we call him jaws. looking here to the tri-valley area, your commute is going to get worse for some because of this accident at greenville. this is blocking two lanes, sounds like a three-car accident. could be worse because there could be backup as you approach. on the other side could get
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lighter. depends on how you look at it. we follow this accident 237 at southbound 85, sounds like no lanes are blocked. the car did go off of the road. the rest of the south bay are right. 101 starts slowing north of 680. >> thank you, mike. a bay area lawmaker wants to crack down on party bus companies that allow underage drinking. jerry hill is sponsoring a bill that would fine bus companies that fail to honor mer the ages of passengers and the amount of alcohol brought on board. the bill is named in memory of brett studebaker who died after a crash after he had been drinking on one of those party buses. the party bus bill face as crucial vote today in sacramento. >> the counter culture festival is getting bigger. the event is allowed to grow to as many as 60,000.
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or 50,000. only a small number of extra tickets will be released. the aim is to relieve the stress on the community and don't want to exseat the limit and risk having to for good. >> it's 6:10. coming up on "today in the bay," apple pays $60 million to dahl ipad the ipad in china. more coming up in business and tech. >> reporter: they came, they flipped and they conquered. i'm marla tellez outside the pavilion with a look at the gymnasts going to the gold. >> a live look over oakland. clouds setting in, a little bit of fog. should be clearing out soon. good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪
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wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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>> welcome back everyone. a good monday morning to you. first monday of july. taking a live look outside. a little cloud cover over the south bay this morning. we are going to check the forecast. fooir fireworks coming up this week. >> sounds good. perfect timing. the journey and the treem dream for olympic gold alive for five women earning a spot to represent the u.s. gymnastics team. marla tellez is live with an update on who exactly made the squad. good morning. >> reporter: jon, good morning. behind us i wanted to show you the gymnastic city usa the sign is up. we're sure that's going to be taken down. what is still hanging around, some red, white and blue i wanted to show you these ribbons that fans left behind with messages. go u.s.a. team, go team u.s.a.,
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good luck in london, all sorts of messages for the gymnasts who have been at hp pavilion. for the girls they sold out last night with an estimated crowd of about 17,500. the 14 competitors wowed and wooed the crowd. in the end five making the cut including gabby douglas who scored the highest. most had something to say about the fans. >> it was amazing. it was the first time i experienced something like that. the crowd cheering for you makes you want to do better. >> reporter: the moment toughest was a fall on the uneven bars. just seconds into the routine
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she missed the bar and landed hard face down. at that moment knew her gymnastics career was over. >> for me this was a stepping stone for the rest of my life and it made me believe that by competing here and finishing this competition if i set my mind to anything, anything is possible. >> reporter: here is what is so impressive about her. i was here and witnessed that fall in person. she took a moment to try and catch her breath, she got up, she put more chalk on her hands and she nailed it, just nailed it the second time around and got a standing ovation. it was something else to see. the females of team u.s.a. are going to hold an 8:00 press conference here so we look forward to hearing from them. before they head off for london. live in san jose, marla tellez, "today in the bay." >> pretty exciting. 6:15. to the olympic games.e heading five men made the cut including two with the highest scores.
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danell leyva and john orozco. and then three more to the team, jonathan horton, jake dalton and sam mikulak. >> a young superstar in the making, a 15-year-old the youngest swimmer to make that 2012 team. she is a freshman in high school. katie ledecky wonni iwinning th style event. the young woman, the talented woman, broke the 800 meter trials time by two seconds. that's nice. brand new record there. the fastest man says he's not worried after finishing second in the jamaican trials. another sprinter beat bolt. johan blake seems to be the man to beat. we'll see. bolt says he will show the world he is still the best and will do it at the olympics. keeping score at home, we are, 25 days away from the start of the summer games.
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keep it here on nbc bay area for all of the exclusive coverage. and for in depth coverage head over to click on london 2012 for a look at a sport that is surging and making its debut, we're talking about women's boxing. >> let's not forget the all-star game. the giants will be well represented. fans voted buster posey and pablo sandoval and melky cabrera. matt gain will represent the giants on the pitching staff. the game will be played in kansas city next tuesday. always fun to watch. >> always a blast. a lot of the g-men. you'll be cheering. >> oh, yes. they have a shot at the world series now. >> pitching coming together. >> finally. timmy, hopefully he is back at it and pitching tomorrow. let's get to it this morning. we've got good looking weather
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for you. courtesy of mother nature who is turning on the fog machine as john likes to call it. the natural cooling off of the pacific. the ac that you don't have to pay for. throughout the day temperatures are only going to break into the low to mid 80s even in the warmest cities across the bay. by the middle of the week we'll bring in 90s but no triple digits, no scorching days ahead especially when you look at the weather for the nation. they have been suffering from heat. nashville almost hit 110. very unusual. this is oakland, a beautiful start here. you can see mostly cloudy, the clouds will clear quickly about 10:00 a.m. i'm forecasting sunny conditions in oak town. san francisco, you'll be mostly cloudy until about noon. 56 to start you out in san mateo where it's 63 comfortable degrees here in san jose. enjoy your outdoor activities, through 90 temperatures a little on the warm side. area of low pressure to the
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north, that's ushering in the strong onshore flow bringing in the fog. that will limit the sunshine for the first part of the day and keep your temperatures from soaring through the roof. they are going to get warm as we head through wednesday. offshore flow is in the forecast for wednesday. that will clear the clouds out of your inland cities in time for the fireworks shows. starting 9:00 p.m. on wednesday. we'll look at your fourth of july forecast coming up. 72. comfortable beach day. keep in mind we are going to have a high uv index so keep that sun screen handy. 89 degrees. we'll go deep tear the forecast coming up. first out the front door, here's mike. >> pretty deep into the commute for westbound 580. westbound at greenville. we have the accident involving three vehicles, in the two left lanes, one toward the center. so no matter which of the lanes you're squeezing by, you are affected by the distraction on
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either side. we're showing a 24-minute drive. actually looking lighter on the airway side of the accident as you approach the dublin interchange. we have one accident in mountain view, 237 at 85. not affecting the flow of traffic. 87 starts slowing into san jose. a look at the san mateo bridge. westbound away from the toll plaza. let's look at that one. the metering lights have turned on. back to you. >> thanks, mike. >> scott mcgrew is off enjoying an extended vacation. so the good news still business headlines. >> apple settled a trademark suit in china paying 60 merchandi million. a company argued that apple's apparent purchase in 2009 was not legally valid.
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>> another apple legal battle cause samsung to fall on the asian markets. samsung is appealing the court injunction against its galaxy phone. it bans it from selling or importing the phone into the u.s. apple claims it violates patents. >> the chairman of britain's third largest bank quits. he stepped down from barclays following an interest rate rigging scandal. regulators fining barclays more than $450 million last week for submitting inaccurate reports. gios serving as chairman for 5 1/2 years, will stay in his position until a succession plan is in place. >> a report released shows record unemployment in the european union, unemployment rising to heaven11.1%.
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the european leaders will turn to the european central bank this week, seeking an interest rate duty try to calm the markets. >> coming up, there are a lot of myths how to stretch a tank of gas. find out which ones you can believe and which ones you can't. consider this -- a mouthwash with maximum fluoride,
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strong enough to rebuild tooth enamel, yet gentle enough for sore mouths. new act sensitive. strong teeth, fresh breath. in a sensitive formula.
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>> welcome back everyone. 6:24. i want to check the forecast with christina. >> hey, new week, new forecast. temperatures overall running much warmer than every day of last week. and we just came off of a beautiful weekend. we're in the 60s, headed to mid-70s at noon inland, up to 80 at 4:00 p.m. the heat of the day about 72 in oakland and 65 in pacifica. your full forecast in moments. here is mike. >> heads up, a big rig tire reported northbound 101 right around third. san mateo north of the san mateo bridge. that's in the fast lane. i'll let you know if they have a traffic break. we're looking to the golden gate bridge and no traffic break here but the fog that might cause a little slowing. use caution coming over from the north bay side. traffic seems to be flowing. >> thank you, mike. people planning to hit the road for the fourth of july. with gas prices on the decline
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we have a few tips. tracie potts joins us live from washington, d.c. to debunk some of the common myths to boost your car's mile per gallon performance. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there may be things you are doing or thinking about doing that would make no difference at all according to the experts at "consumer reports," helping us out with tips as you get ready to drive this holiday. let's take a look. dirty air filters don't really burn gas because most cars have computers that regulate that air. warming up your car not necessa necessary. filling up in the morning when the temperatures are cooler also not necessary. remember, gas is held in tanks underground where the temperature doesn't change much between morning and evening. a lot of people think if you buy at no-name gas stations, independent stations, there is low quality gas. that's not really true. a lot of those stations buy from
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the big oil companies so it's the same. the difference is you may not get the additives to help keep your engine clean but it's not going to make a big difference in terms of how much gas you need. premium only better if you have a high performance engine. opening the windows doesn't make a difference, up, down, ac, no ac, they did a test and "consumer reports" found that pretty much makes no difference in terms of one or the other. >> thank you very much for the tips. >> 6:27 now. still to come, a 49er recovering after a stabbing and double shooting at his house party in the south bay. the latest coming up. >> the trial of a man who admits to attacking a priest continues today. find out what's expected to happen in a live report. >> some tattoo artists will be held to a higher standard a. new law taking effect today.
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we're back with news, traffic and weather here on "today in the bay."
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>> reporter: good morning. we'll take you live to san jose for what could be closing arguments in the priest attack trial. that story coming up. >> did somebody intentionally set fire to a san jose high school? firefighters seem to think so. we'll tell you why. >> and we've got elevated fire danger this week across the bay area with warmer temperatures, 80s inhand, 60s at the coast and we ramp up the numbers in time for the fourth of july. the forecast is moments away. >> as commute builds, two accidents for trivalue. >> and taking a live look outside, look at the sun's rays peeking through in the south bay this morning. monday, july 2nd, this is "today in the bay."
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>> thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm jon kelley. closing arguments expected in a high profile south bay case. william lynch charged with beating a retired priest he says abused him as a child. bob is live in san jose with more on what we can expect in court. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, jon. there could be closing arguments here at the hall of justice in san jose. it will depend on whether or not the defense rests. it's our understanding that they might end up calling one more witness. they have only had one witness so far, that was the defendant will lynch on the stand friday in what was tearful and emotional testimony as he described in graphic detail how father jerry lindner allegedly sexually abused him and his brother on a camping trip when they were young boys.
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he did admit to the jury he attacked the priest at a jesuit center home in los gatos over two years ago. he says it was not his intent when he went there, he wanted to try to compel the priest to sign papers admitting to his alleged crimes. when according to lynch the father leered at him the same way when he molested him he ended up hitting him more than once, asking the priest to take off his glasses before doing so. lynch says he didn't want to blind the priest though he was trying to hurt him. lynch says both of them had each other by their neck. the confrontation only lasted a minute when someone walked in the room. several years earlier lynch reported lindner's alleged sex crimes but there were never charges because the statute of limitations had run out. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> 6:32. this morning oakland police are looking for the killer of a man
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who is found dead at the foot of the oakland hills. the victim was shot but managed to dwrivrive a mile before dyin. the victim was in his 20s. his name has not been released. >> arson is suspected in a fire at a south bay high school. a door on the building happened at independence high was set on fire. the damage is only minor. >> a san francisco linebacker recovering after being stabbed at a house party he was hosting. deputies finding two people shot and alvin smith stabbed when they responded to his home. comcast sports net reporting that smith was trying to break up a fight when things turned very ugly. >> didn't know what was happening until the deputy is knocking on the door interviewing neighbors after that. >> the 49ers confirm smith
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suffered minor injuries and police say the other victims were not seriously hurt. no suspects so far have been arrested. the family of a missing dodgers fan last seen a week ago leaving at&t park spent the weekend looking for him. 27-year-old victor mario disappeared walking to his car on pier 32. the friends say rio had been drinking at the game. police suspect he fell into the bay. >> a new law is holding tattoo and piercing artists to higher standards part of san francisco's safe body art act. the law requires tattoo and piercing artists to register every year and receive training. the law also requires the customers are informed on risks and sign a consent form before getting body art. this is also a new law targeting
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high end restaurants. they are no longer allowed to sell foie gras, it's made by force feeding ducks through tubes until the livers grow to 10 times their normal size. california is the first state in the nation to ban sales and production of the product. >> 6:35. an area that prides itself on innovation, what better addition to the silicon valley than a patent office. lawmakers learned one of three new u.s. patent and trademark offices will be added to san jose. city leaders offering 20,000 square feet of office space in city hall. it's a perfect fit according to one congresswoman. >> why is at big deal? about a quarter of all of the patents come out of silicon valley. it's a huge statistic. >> the offices will open in 2014 and should reduce the backlog of
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patent approvals that can take up to three years. >> time to check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. good week? >> i wish we could patent the weather we had over the weekend. this week we're getting deeper into the summer and it's going to feel more sum ear like especially when you compare it to last week. a live look at san francisco. old glory blowing in the breeze. our nation's birthday this wednesday. what a great country, what great places we live in. plenty of sunshine, windy as we head throughout the afternoon. the breeze will build. throughout the fourth of july, warmest day of the week wednesday. also the clearest day of the week. i think you'll get a clear shot at the fireworks bayside and at the coast, at least until 10:00 p.m. that's when it stafrts to get dicey. for today it works like this. 74 degrees at noon inland, up to 80 at 4:00, that means 72
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degrees bayside. comfortable conditions. 65 in pacifica. your full forecast is moments away. here's mike. >> we're looking to the tri-valley. we have the accident blocking two lanes westbound 580 at greenville and in that backup which forms because of that accident we did talk about this, we had westbound 580 at north flynn. the accident on the shoulder for the second, the first one is blocking a lane causing a bit of slowing in through livermore. a little lighter by airway on the other side. a live look and show the san mateo ridge. a stall westbound. on the flat section approaching the high rise and watching for slowdowns. we'll watch for that. i haven't seen a crew head out but they usually make quick work of it. the metering lights are on. there is the backup. back to you. >> thank you, mike. 6:37. coming up on today, it's a
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comeback of sorts in mexico. it dominated for decades. >> you may have heard a lot of studies that say red wine is good for your heart. now there is evidence it could also be good for your brain. here you go little man.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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>> 6:40. welcome back. possibly another good reason to
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drink some good vino. red wine long thought of as heart healthy. >> now scientists are looking to see if it can help your brain. the red wine studies under way at georgetown university. researchers are analyzing a compound found in wine and red grapes, trying to determine if it can prevent brain aging and stop diseases like alzheimer's from worsening. >> pregnant women in california should be able to access health care easier. the maternity coverage availability act is now in effect. it requires health insurance plans to provide maternity coverage to individual policyholders. until now only group plans were required to offer it. the doctors say pre-existing will no longer exist when the remainder of the affordable health act takes effect. >> coming up how about this. you want to get a party started.
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how about free tacos. quite the frenzy out here. why one felt the need to air lift tacos to a small town. >> the new u.s. gymnastics team. who made it and who didn't in a live report. >> getting around parts of the bay area got a little more expensive. which agencies are increasing fares coming up when "today in the bay" returns with 15 minutes of uninterrupted news, traffic and weather. [ female announcer ] irritated, itchy, summer skin?
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count on cortizone-10. with the strongest, nonprescription itch medicine for fast relief. and seven moisturizers. cortizone-10. feel the heal. >> good morning to you. 6:44. in mexico the party that dominated politics appears to
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have reclaimed the presidency. >> enrique pena nieto had a clear leave in the exit polls, the party ruled for most of the past century before losing power. the main rival says it's too early to concede. nieto giving a late night victory speech. >> many on the east coast without power. a storm that hit friday, killing at least 14 people. crews are working around the clock to repair downed power lines but it could take a full week before more than 2 million people have their electricity again. >> this storm had all of the impact of a hurricane without the warning. >> the storm damage is extensive from indiana to new jersey. theardest hit, west virginia, washington and maryland. >> they are calling it an irreversible consequence of
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global warming, a new study finds rising sea levels may be slowed but cannot be stopped. more than 180 countries now negotiating a global climate pact to try to cut emissions limiting global warming to 2 degrees celsius this century. that is the minimum required to avert catastrophic effects but not prevent sea levels rising, threatening about a tenth of the population. >> the "today" show starts in a few minutes. a graduate student from texas is undergoing six hours of surgery after being mauled by chimpanzees. we'll get the latest. and new details on the divorce between tom cruise and katie holmes. did scientology play a role? >> how about this . a practical joke. >> it's all about the free tacos. people in bethel running to get
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something unique, taco bell, a city of 6,000 has one fast food restaurant. >> everybody's doing it. >> when flyers started popping up saying that taco bell was building, they got excited. but turns out the flyers were a hoax. you know what, taco bell came to the rescue, they air lifted that truck in with enough meat and fixings for 10,000 free tacos. they all lined up. they ran to get a bite of something. there is more news to share about bethel. it's going to get its first movie theater soon. a lot going on. >> talk about a priceless ad campaign for taco bell. worth the free food. >> that's amazing. they didn't have to do that. you know what, we have a really good looking week. that should be inspiring for you as the new week, the new day begins, a live look over san jose. a glorious start here, the low
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clouds are settling in. hugging the hills. but you can still see that sunshine coming through, that sun is warming up the top layer of that cloud bank. that's how it clears. we see the clouds clear from the top down. now that the sun is out it will be the case as we head throughout the morning with a spectacular live shot. 59 degrees in livermore where it's 63 in san jose and 64 degrees to start you out in sunnyvale. throughout this afternoon, another beautiful day shaping up, but you're going to get the best weather bay side and at the coast as it will be much warmer. the jet stream is a nudge to the north. amplifying ridge of high pressure is going to warm us up today, tomorrow and we'll peak on wednesday, the fourth of july. a little bit warmer tomorrow. it all works like this. you want to hit the beach, your beach of choice, santa cruz, 72. 75 degrees at 4:00. comfortable conditions at the beach. not as nice in half moon bay or
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pacifica until tomorrow and wednesday. barely break out of the 50s today, hitting 62 in pacifica. 68 for san francisco, 74 degrees in redwood city and 79 degrees in some of the beach cities. through tomorrow, we're going to climb. by an average 3 to 5 degrees, we'll continue that climb for wednesday. then we'll level off, thursday into the upcoming weekend. the good news about wednesday is offshore flow is going to set up. that drives the marine layer t clouds out to sea. so we're looking really good for viewing the fireworks just about everywhere across the bay area. of course we'll dive deeper into the forecast. i'll have more info ready to go. the man who has you read the go is mike inouye. good morning. >> a little boom for you here. boom, down to 10 miles per hour, slow for highway 4 through antioch. concord, pittsburg, showing speeds in the 40s, that's heavier than expected on a typical monday about now but
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some folks might be getting in early. you might be able to skip out on wednesday. just a thought. looking to a big slowdown through livermore because of this accident. still blocking one of your four lanes westbound. your commute direction at greenville. the activity here as well as on the shoulder. distraction over a half hour. most of that before you get to first. then clear toward the dublin interchange. 680 south through sunol, a live look, you see the traffic flowing over the hill toward fremont, then toward mission, the off ramp sounds like an animal was hit and there is activity blocking the one lane. back to the maps, at the approach to the south bay, showing, but no other major factors, a little for 101 and 87. back to you. >> thank you so much. >> for you scott mcgrew fans, he's not here. but the good news is we have you covered with today's business headlines. >> the chairman of britain's third largest bank quit
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overnight. marcus ajeus stepped down. the british and u.s. regulators fined barclays last week for filing false reports. he served as chairman for the past 5 1/2 years and will stay in his position until a succession plan is in place. >> a report released shows record unemployment in the european union. unemployment rose to 11.1% in may, actually the highest rate since the creation of the euro back in 1999. european leaders will turn to the central bank this week seeking an interest rate cut to help calm the markets there. >> apple has settled an ipad trademark suit in china, paying $60 million so it can use the ipad name for the tablet in china. the company called pro view had argued apple's apparent purchase of the trade mark in 2009 was
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not legally valid. another apple legal battle causing samsung to fall 2%. samsung appealing a u.s. court injunction against its galaxy nexus phone, banning it from selling or importing the phone into the u.s. apple claims the phone violates patents. samsung filed an appeal. >> team u.s.a. is all set this morning. the road to the london olympics brought the country's best to the south bay. marla tellez is live in san jose with details on who made that squad. good morning, marla. >> good morning. the trials lasted four days and ended last night with the women's competition, also a block party that happened here. they have done a great job cleaning up. all that's left is the stage. on the stage last night was kenny loggens, he entertained the crowd following the women's performance. the ladies in front after
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sold-out crowd. they flipped and balanced and landed it over and over. in the end five of 14 names were called. here is your female roster. all are between 15 and 18 years old. and all are far beyond their years. >> it's just beginning but we just got to keep working hard and go for the best in london. >> haven't even had time to process it. i just saw my parents so that was a special moment and just being able to walk out there and be announced with the men it was so cool and a special moment. >> reporter: speaking of the men, the five include danell leyva, john orozco, john horton and jake dalton and sam mikulak.
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they are able to head home about a week but then it's back to the training schedule, they are off to london. the games just 25 days away. hive in san jose, marla tellez, "today in the bay." >> pretty exciting. thanks. it's a first in the history of the olympics, time track events. two women crossing the finish line at exactly the same time. >> the ultimate photo finish. in hours one of these women will lose her spot on the team u.s.a. with an unusual tiebreaker. here is some video of that 100 meter race for third place. you can see both runners across the line at the same time. they are scheduled to compete tonight in a first ever run-off to try and earn that third spot. the final spot on the team but we're now getting word that tarmoh might bow out and give up the spot at the london games.
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interesting to see how it pans out. >> the road crews are busy creating olympic traffic only lanes. crews painting the rings on 30 miles of city roads. once these games start the special lanes will be out of bounds for drivers. only athletes, officials, sponsors and media will be able to use the special lanes. >> countdown, it continues. 25 days away from start of the summer games. keep it here on nbc bay area for all of the exclusive coverage. then head to for some of the in depth profiles, could get peeks about a soldier now competing on the shooting team. >> 6:55. firefighters say a small fire at a high school was likely the work of an arsonist. investigators say an exterior door on the theater building at san jose's independent high school was set on fire sunday night. the damage is minor and no one
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was injured. be prepared to pay more this morning on mass transit. b.a.r.t., caltrain and several other agencies are raising fares. christie smith sliv with how much a ride will cost you now. >> reporter: the fare increases started sunday. for commuter this is is the first day. talking with b.a.r.t. riders, they didn't know the fatairs we going up. it's about 1.4% fare increase or about 5 cents per fare. the last increase for b.a.r.t. was in 2009, also in san francisco adult fares go up $2. muni only passes at $64 a month. riders have a pick of which door to enter. for clipper card users and riders with cash transfers only, though, they will be checking to make sure you paid.
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caltrain prices will increase. the change, not much, it no longer accepts paper passes as it switches to clipper card use only. live in oakland, "today in the bay." >> closing arguments expected in a trial in the south bay. william lynch accused of beating a retired priest he says abused him as a child. bob is live in san jose with more. >> reporter: good morning to you, jon. it's our understanding the defense in the priest attack trial here at the hall of justice might call one more witness today, if they do it's possible there would be time for closing arguments later today. they only called one witness so far. he came and took the stand on friday. he was the defendant, will lynch admitting that yes, he did attack father gindner over two years ago. then whan was at times emotional
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testimony lynch described how father lindner sexually abused him and his brother when they were young boys. lynch says it wasn't his intent to beat up lindner, instead he was this to try to get father to sign paeps. the father leered at him the same way he says when he molested him. he ended up hitting him more than once. lynch says most had each other by the neck. it ended when someone walked in the room and lynch left. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> bob, thank you. 6:58. let's get one final check on weather with christina loren. >> a lot of people have the week off. today one of those days you want to get outdoors early. good morning. temperatures at noon, 74 degrees. then round out at 80. highs between 4:30 and 5:30.
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bayside, in the heat of the day about 72 degrees, and 65 at the coast. when we meet back here tomorrow we'll be talking about some of the major events across the bay area. for the fourth of july and the corresponding forecast. let's check your drive once more. >> all lanes finally cleared but slow, altamont pass to central almost. here for westbound 580, we have your second lane blocked so slower off the car keen bridge. things are working smoothly, a little slowing through. the metering lights are on. the bay bridge moves slowly. the san mateo bridge, a nice smooth floor. the earlier cleared. >> thank you for joining us this morning. we're going to be back at 7:25


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